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We use the Landau theory of phase transitions to obtain the global phase diagram concerning the uniaxial nematic, biaxial nematic, uniaxial smectic-A and biaxial smectic-A phases.

The transition rates that define the dynamics forbid them to obey detailed balance. An absorbing state is the one such that the transition from it to an...

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The transition between the biaxial nematic and biaxial smectic is continuous as well as the transition between the nematic phases and the transition between the smectic p...

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To this end we introduce and develop a stochastic formulation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics of chemical reaction systems based on a master equation defined on the space of microscopic chemical states, and o...

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The ordered structure, strictly speaking, does not mean that the atoms are located exactly on the sites of the lattice as they are in constant motion due to thermal...

A system of c components is described by c + 2 thermodynamic fields: daniel valente dantas the temperature T, the pressure p, and the chemical potentials μ

We have studied the critical properties of the contact process on a square lattice with quenched site dilution by Monte Carlo simulations.

La "estrategia perfecta" por Cristina Fernández y otras 2 claves de que permitieron al kirchnerismo volver al poder en Argentina

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El humorista Xavi Daura debuta en la novela con 'Bravo', una sátira A respeito here de la gran responsabilidad qual recae en un entrenador de élite

La subida por la recaudación por la mejora del Comércio laboral pelo evitó de que España siga siendo el undé especialmentecimo país con menor ministério tributaria

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